Mondays Finish the Story: Peace

“Arriving at the beach, she reflected on her life.”

© 2015, Barbara W. Beacham

© 2015, Barbara W. Beacham

Life was full of changes and disappointments, but the sea remained the same. She might beat land with fury, but she always settled back to her peaceful nature. Perhaps it was time for Amy to find her peace.

She disrobed as she walked the lone beach. The salty water was invigorating. Her apprehension eased as she walked ankle deep, thighs, chest until the sea lifted her from land. She swam straight into the bay.

A mile out, she turned for one last look at land and all that it held. Then she dove down letting her tail propel her home.

The End


Mondays Finish the Story is a flash fiction challenge where  a new photo it provided each week, and the first sentence of a story. I’m to write a story the the sentence, in bold, and photo in mind. Click on the blue frog to read other people’s stories.

Click on Short Stores to read more of my stories.