One Park at a Time: A Ray of Hope in Trouble Times

Doesn’t seem like much, a parking lot filled with cars, but it might be the sign of the times.

I like parks of all sizes. They’re great places to explore.

I used to be one of the few who frequented parks. In thirty years, I’ve never had a problem finding a parking space. Summer of 2020 has been different.

Because of Covid, people have been working at home. They’ve been using their commute time to work to do something more productive, like going to the park with their family and/or walking their dogs.

Families come in all sizes, but there is a new kind of family on the trail these days, multigenerational families.

As in grandparents, parents, young children, and babies in their strollers, taking a leisurely walk together. I’ve mostly seen them in neighborhood parks. It’s a fun sight to see.

Sorry to say I do not have a multigenerational family photo. Most people are not interested in having a stranger take their picture and post it on a blog they’ve never heard of before. 

So, you’ll have to take my word for it. 😇

Time outside in the park can give anyone a ray of of hope in trouble times.

Friendly Friday Challenge – Quiet Places  has a post on taking “a step back and re-energize our tolerance to stress, pressures and worries.” She has photos from around the world. Scroll down to find other quiet places from around the world.