Weekly Photo Challenge: Let There Be Light!

In a new post created for this Weekly Photo Challenge: Let There Be Light! is about a photo that features a light source.

This is a picture of a dragon egg. It shines because it’s about to hatch. It’s tuck way back in a secret cave  in the enchanted mountains where dragons live in peace. No human has ever been able to find it, but you can read about it in Cornelia Funke‘s novel Dragon Rider.


Click on Weekly Photo Challenge to see more of my photos.

Below are more people who submitted a photo on the same challenge.

Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Daily Prompt Challenge ~ Let there be Light | soletusknow
  2. The source of light | Laura’s Little Things
  3. All of the darkness… | Life through a Lens
  4. Weekly Photo Challenge: Let There Be Light | Retired2Travel
  5. Lighting tracks | Le Drake Noir
  6. Weekly Photo Challenge: Let there be Light | br4ceyourself
  7. Weekly Photo Competition: Let there be light | Reflections and Nightmares- Irene A Waters (writer and memoirist)
  8. Little stars | Life through a Lens
  9. WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge ~ Let there be light! | Lakshmi Loves To Shop
  10. Let There Be Light! | draccoonian
  11. Let there be a little light at least…. | Pseu’s Blog