Daily Prompt: Papa Loves Mambo

Today’s Daily Prompt is “What sort of music was played in your house when you were growing up? What effect, (if any) did it have on your musical tastes?”

My mother was a musician. She loved music, all kinds. We had a nice collection of across the board music to listen to.

Mom was one of those people who could learn to play any instrument handed to her.

She was in the first band at her high school. She played the flute, but one of her girlfriends wanted to play the brass flugel horn. Mom learn how to play the horn then taught her friend how to play.

Her favorite was the piano. She had perfect pitch, and could play a piece of music by just listening to it. She could also read music and could transpose the notes in her head and play the piece in a different key from what was on the sheet of music. She played everything from jazz to classical.

I loved listening to her.

But instead of sitting at her side and following in her finger tips, I sat curled up with a good book.

I would have loved to play the piano and the guitar. I tried, but I didn’t have her talent.

As much as she love music and its many variations, I loved the novel and its many different genres.

Besides, I’m tone deaf.


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  4. Daily Prompt: Papa Loves Mambo- How a Song Could Brings Back Beautiful Memories | Journeyman
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  6. Daily Prompt: Papa Loves Mambo | The WordPress C(h)ronicle
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