Cee’s B&W Photo Challenge: Tables or Chairs

This week’s Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge topic is any kind of table or chair.

I chose a chair in my living room. It’s a rocking chair from my great-grandmother’s home. It’s covered with an afghan I paid a co-worker to make for me, when I worked in computer graphics.

On the chair are three teddy bears and one Minion.

I bought the teddy bear on the left when I worked at a video store. It reminds me of the small town I was living in at the time.

A girlfriend made me the teddy bear on the right as a thank you for helping her paint her bedroom.

It’s a little difficult to see, but behind the two bears is a blue teddy bear. Mom gave it to me be for she passed away.

A different girlfriend gave me the Minion. She bought it for me when she was in Mongolia. The designs on the Minion were embroidered by hand.

My  girlfriend, two other friends and I get together several times a year for a night of animated movies and lots of laughter. All four moves of Despicable Me are some of our favorites.

Behind the chair is my Destiny storyboard.

And there you have, in one chair, a short diary of my life. ;0)